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Old 12-10-2007, 06:01 AM
Jeffus Jeffus is offline
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Posts: 30
Chris, your a star

Chris, your a star, absolutely perfect description of what is happening. When I look at my cookie list in Safari whilst I am logged in I have the missing bbuserid and bbpassword cookies. As soon as I log out they're gone. The thing I was missing is I frequent a lot of similar boards Micromat, Apple, MacFormat, Version Tracker, etc. and when I visit them my nickname and password (encripted) are already filled in (by Safari) although I am still logged out. All I do is hit loggin and I'm in . . . easy and I don't have to remember all the different passwords (I must get a manual like yours Chris). I ALWAYS log out of every site I visit subscriber or free, something I have always done, I just don't like staying logged in forever. That is why I was surprised to have to log into Shirt Pocket board manually everytime I visit.

Thanks for clearing that up Chis, you are a real savvy dude, hope you and yours have a great Christmas and New Year (that goes for you too Dave and the rest of the gang on this forum)

My best regards, Jeffus.

PS Dave you should have warned me about your story of your dog Kelti? in your blog. It happened to us too, I didn't manage to finish your story in one go, I had to come back a few times to read it all. Our Brandy was 16, still miss her too much. Very sad icon here, but you don't have one. J.
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