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Old 06-29-2007, 10:07 PM
Chris_Porter Chris_Porter is offline
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Originally Posted by dnanian View Post
Actually, the manual does explicitly suggest this:

OSX is a bit flaky about how it decides and when it decides to put things back to sleep, but based on my own research one minute is what you need, and that's why I suggested it.
Yes, I did actually read that, but since the backups have been working previously, I just assumed it actually meant you have to wake up the computer before SuperDuper starts, ie, the number was a guideline of minimum duration. I had no inkling OSX is flaky about going back to sleep immediately after waking up.

(Though, I can see why you wouldn't want to put that part in the UG about the OSX system being flaky. I do think you might say there's been some research on it, and one minute is the optimum, or something like that. I took it to be a guideline of minimum duration, since it never occured occurred me that if you wake up your computer, it would go back to sleep immediately, but rather would do so at the time you instruct Energy Saver to put it to sleep.)

Anyway, I will change to wakeup one minute prior to backup, and see if that "solves" the issue.
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