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Old 08-16-2006, 08:41 AM
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dnanian dnanian is offline
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That's an entirely different question, Peter.

As I've said elsewhere on the forums, SuperDuper! keeps track of the volumes not by their name (which can change) but by their low-level identifier (which is unlikely to change). That's why you can't just replace one drive with the other and expect it to work.

This avoids problems when users rename drives (or have two drives named the same). So, by default, this won't work.

However, you can use a tool that we provide to set the UUIDs for the drives you want to rotate the same. They need not be named the same.

To do so, use the little program called SDDiskTool that's inside the SuperDuper bundle. It's in SuperDuper!.app/Contents/MacOS/SDDiskTool. You'd use:

SDDiskTool -g /Volumes/some-disk-name

to get the UUID. Then, to set it, you'd use:

sudo SDDiskTool -s the-UUID /Volumes/some-other-disk-name

So, pick the one you want to be the original, and set all the other UUIDs to be the same. Then, no matter which one you have attached, we'll write to it.
--Dave Nanian
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