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Old 02-06-2006, 06:58 AM
NickSloan NickSloan is offline
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Location: Somerset UK
Posts: 1

To do this I prepend the following to the start of my daily bakck up script (assumes your backup disk is called 'local backup'):

property diskname : "local backup"

tell application "Finder"
if not (exists the disk diskname) then
do shell script "diskutil mount `disktool -l | grep 'local backup' | sed 's/.*\\(disk[0-9s]*\\).*/\\1/'`"
delay 1
end if
end tell

delay 2

Then I add the following at the end of the script.

tell application "Finder"
if (exists the disk "local backup") then
eject "local backup"
delay 2
end if
delay 2

I had a couple of problems with these script additions. In the first place, I think there is a missing "end tell" in the second one, no?

More confusingly however, the first one would not compile for me, complaining about beginning with "property": 'Expected "end" but found "property".' If I take out the first line (property diskname : "local backup") and just replace both "diskname" and "local backup" with the name of the actual disk I want to mount/unmount, it seems to work fine. What am I missing here?
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