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Old 06-03-2020, 10:15 AM
camner camner is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 160
Thanks for the reply.

Perhaps you can suggest a better alternative for's my use case:

My laptop has <250GB on it, and because it has no important data on it that isn't elsewhere (because I use Dropbox for data), I only make backups from time to time so I can restore in case of a disaster without rebuilding my system. So, I clone(d) to a disk image which I then stored on a drive with other stuff I want to keep for posterity, and I keep several of those disk images going back about a year.

I suppose one option would be to dedicate a hard drive for these, and then just add volumes as I used to add disk images. If I add a single volume and then choose that as SD's destination of my laptop's boot drive, will SD create the two volumes necessary to make a bootable backup?
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