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Old 06-22-2006, 12:22 PM
edoates edoates is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 44
My experience so far with SD! is that the backup rate is pretty high (I get 9 to 12MBs on a G5 Quad to external FW 800) for a full backup, until you start backing up zillions of little, tiny files. Apparently, each new file needs a lookup, a directory write, then the copying of a block or two. That really slows things down!

So, my iTunes and iPhoto folders copy pretty fast; my zillion other little word, preference, etc. files go much more slowly and the resulting rate of a full backup gets closer to 6MBs. And that's with a 7200RPM SATA internal drive to a 7200RPM FW800 drive.

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