Thread: backup schedule
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Old 02-05-2011, 09:17 AM
has55 has55 is offline
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Posts: 30
Ok, you're saying the 1st weekly backup becomes the monthly backup when it becomes 30 days old. Then I should move it to the monthly partition or external HD dedicated to that specific function. Is this correct?

was i correct on this part from above with a slight change:
You are saying the cheapest way for a backup, if money is a factor, is to partition the External HD into 4 parts. Take a snapshot of the drive weekly and store on one of the partition, such as wk1,wk2,wk3. on wk 4 move week 1 to the monthly partition, move the other over and backup to wk 3 partition? or is there an easier process?

"And if you can afford it, use separate drives for each week."

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