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Old 10-29-2009, 04:53 PM
Sophie Sophie is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 22
The VMWare virtual-machine file changes every time I run windows, and it is a single gigantic monolithic file (currently 45GB for me). But the Windows setup very rarely changes (new apps, etc.) I don't want to update a 45GB file needlessly every day.

The user's data files on Windows (word docs, pdfs, Outlook data file, etc.) do change frequently, so I use the VMWare facility for Shared Folders to relocate the users data files out of the VMWare monolithic file, into plain old files on the OSX file system. And I want those backed up daily.

I was really hoping SD's "ignore X" meant, simply, don't do anything about "X", just leave it as it is on the backup volume. I guess it means "don't try to back it up, but go ahead and delete it on the backup volume for Smart Update". I don' think I agree with that.

Anyway, if something like VMWare or Parallels is as common among OSX/SD users as I think it is, it may be worth considering a good solution. I think the arrangement I outlined is relatively common.

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