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Old 01-05-2009, 02:48 AM
Brent Brent is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 30
Listen Dave. I would have appreciated an appropriate answer to my question as it was clear enough that I was referring to the 'invalid node structure' problem that you could not resolve previously.

Instead you gave me a 'sure, the sky is blue' answer.

I went ahead with the migration, which did not copy the filevault image because it said it was too large.

Then I reinstalled the OS on the new machine, file vaulted it, and proceeded to clone with SD.

When I try to boot from the Sandbox, another error. This time: "logging in to the account failed because an error has occurred."

This has already cost me several hours and will cost me another several to reclaim "another" useless Sandbox partition.

Definitely marks lost for the way this has been handled.
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