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Old 09-15-2008, 02:02 PM
Nick Nick is offline
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Originally Posted by dnanian View Post
Is it preferred? Yes -- because Time Machine does not guarantee that your 'archived material' will be preserved, at all. Once it runs out of space for backups, it starts deleting older backups. It is not an archive.

To back up both your main drive and archive with SD, you'd need two destinations. I'd have a separate drive for the archive: I never store a backup on the same physical medium as the source.
So, the procedure is

1. Use one of the externals for TM;
2. Partition the other into a 320 GB volume and a 430 GB volume;
3. Use SD to create the clone on the 320 GB volume, beginning with an initial "Erase, then copy," and followed subsequently with "Smart Updates"; and
4. Use the 430 GB volume to "archive" selected files.

What's the best way to use SD to accomplish #4?
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