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Old 01-29-2008, 03:34 PM
soulatrium soulatrium is offline
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Maybe time machine really can replace SD for most users

Getting back on topic, I saw the following article:

This proves, essentially, that cloning (or at least the practical results of cloning) is a function of Time Machine. People can easily restore a clone by running the system disk and selecting the appropriate option.

the only consistent downsides seem to be that it's a slow process, and that restoring a TM backup makes it so that you have to restart the whole TM process with your restored back (I'm wondering if that's something that would be fixed in a future OS update though).

Essentially, it looks like the value of SuperDuper has been vastly reduced because of this feature of time machine...and with the obvious inability of Shirt-Pocket to come out with timely product updates (no matter what the reason....every other major backup solution is now Leopard compatible!) I'm considering getting rid of SD for good.
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