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Old 11-18-2007, 01:06 PM
rdlsmith rdlsmith is offline
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Originally Posted by bearheart View Post
You've lead a sheltered life.

Well, you see it wrong. It's not the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that the products s/he pays for work properly. That's just nuts.
Now who's being "naive" ???

As having worked on both sides of the fence, hardward/network administration and now software development I can tell you if you install something without testing that everything you want to run will run you're not only naive you're probably close to being unemployed. Especially something like an OS upgrade. The consumer does have some responsibility here.

I think hardware people have a better grasp of this concept than software people. Especially when it comes to backup software and OS upgrades.

As for your comments about dnanian. That is just off base and rude. He may not be the best communicator but he's honest and I think hard working. I can just imagine the posts if he released something knowing it wouldn't work. One of the things I like best is the fact that I can come here and post and get a fast response. I may have to ask for clarification but he's on it.

You are a consumer. If you don't like the way SD works with Leopard either downgrade to 10.4.11 or find another solution. If you need help downgrading maybe we can help. Ask nicely. If we can't there are the apple support forums or maybe even tech support. I know, they're not the best but if you're half the techie you claim to be you should be able to deal with this situation better than you are.

I think you owe dnanian an apology. It's one thing to make requests and suggestions and maybe even tell him what you don't like but your comments were just rude.

I have made a choice. I forged ahead with Leopard knowing that Time Machine was suspect and SD wouldn't make a bootable copy. I choose to figure out how to make TM work and use that. Again, my choice. If things go south I won't have anything to work on without an install to an external and restore or an internal HD replacement and restore. Leopard isn't perfect by any means but there are reasons I need to use it.

As I understand it, SD will work with Leopard. It just won't make bootable copies? But you still have all your files backed up.

I look forward to the new release of SD. A stable release that I'm sure will be even better than what we enjoy now.
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