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Don 08-06-2002 10:39 PM

new server discovery technique?

I'm not sure how you are searching for servers, but it appears as though
you are staying on the local subnet (which seems a reasonable thing to do).
However, lets say I have two subnets:

A) which is my wired network where my desktop lives (and is connected to my stereo)
B) which is my 802.11b network where my laptop lives and where I want to be able to control iTunes from. (The airport base station is on A, so there is a route between the two networks (e.g. I can share files, ftp, ssh, etc).

The problem is, B will not be able to discover any hosts on A unless we provide it with a hint. So, how about a manual way of entering a desired server? :-)

If there exists such a method, sorry in advance!



P.S. BRIEF was my favorite DOS editor! ;-)

dnanian 08-06-2002 10:45 PM

Hi, Don!

I'm actually using two different techniques to locate servers. On 10.1.x, I use Network Location Services/SLP to search for everything that's advertised that way. This is the same API that Apple uses to find its own file servers, and I thought it was supposed to cross AirPort. Can you see your own file services on either side of the NAT route?

On 10.2 and later I use Rendezvous (although the server still advertises itself with NLS/SLP so 10.1.x clients can find it), and -- frankly -- I'm not entirely sure if Rendezvous will work, though I think it will.

There's no current way to give it an explicit IP address, nor is there a way to lock down the port. That said, I'm looking at adding both in a future release.

For now, you could try using configuring your Airport as a bridge, rather than as a NAT router. Your regular DHCP server on the WAN side should be able to serve your Airport clients without any problem, and it'll greatly simplify your own network situation to have everything on the same subnet, with the same numbering. (This is what I do, at least!)

Glad to hear you liked BRIEF: me too! <g>

What do you think of netTunes so far?

Don 08-06-2002 11:22 PM

Hi Dave!

Thanks for the quick reply and helpful suggestion. I took your advice, and reconfigured my airport base station and now have a single subnet. :-)

I just started using netTunes, and it is *very* cool. I do have a bug to
report, it looks like you are broadcasting whatever happens to be within
the frame of the iTunes windows (on the server) to the clients. But guess
what happens if you happen to pop a window over the iTunes on the
server? Yep, it get's sent to the client as well. I discovered this because
I started up a stream from (check out the "delicious lo-fi
lounge" at -- very groovy) and
it pops up a window to display the current track info, and if that dialog happens
to be on top of the iTunes window, the client sees it too (not a bad feature,
in my opinion). :-) And, you can even control the dialog! Looks like netTunes can
be used in lieu of Apple's remote desktop. ;)



dnanian 08-07-2002 08:13 AM

Well...not so much a bug as a limitation!

Since I'm only using documented calls to perform netTunes' magic, I can't actually "get at" things that aren't drawn on the screen itself. (This is despite the fact that the iTunes window is being drawn offscreen *somewhere* -- I just can't get at it without breaking rather serious "rules".)

That means that windows that pop "on top" of iTunes get sent across to the client, and there's not a huge amount I can do about it, at least for now...

Hopefully that's not too much of a limitation, since it'll pop back "on top" if you disconnect and reconnect on the client side...

dilleet 08-07-2002 03:28 PM

remote desktop
Yes this is powerful stuff it does have some of the features of remote desktop, I can control from my client version of net tunes
it is simlar to the Webex professional program( which it is now beta testing for OSX), except that works over a WAN. Now if Apple would only market a device to get my iTunes library wireleesly accessed by my sound system

dnanian 08-07-2002 06:17 PM

Thanks for the nice comments!

Unlike programs like WebEx, Remote Desktop or Timbuktu, netTunes is tailored to iTunes. There are a lot of advantages to this, such as:

- Presents only the appropriate information -- the netTunes window, for example -- without the whole desktop to mess things up.

- Interaction can be tailored to the app: when you close the remote window, it disconencts, for example. And try minimizing it -- it does what you'd expect!

- netTunes fully supports the two primary window "modes" -- full and "mini", and saves positions (and scaling factors) for each.

There are a lot more, but that'll get you started!

Regarding "wireless" connection to your stereo -- you can use one of the iTunes "FM Broadcasters", such as iRock, to do this. Remember, though, that the sound quality from those isn't optimal.

Personally, I use the midiman Sonica, which costs about $80 and does a nice job with USB audio. Much cleaner than the headphone port.

Enjoy netTunes!

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