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slyfly 05-21-2004 01:47 PM

Funky permissions
I just purchased SD! and while I'm happy with the performance and options available, I'm encountering a problem that has appeared in both SD! and CCC.

My 'Microsoft User Data' folder in 'Documents' is changing permissions to 'root' instead of my name. I double checked it with the original volume and it has definitely changed. Reading some of the other posts I also checked my UID as there are 2 users on my system, but it all appears that I am set as 501.

I haven't gone into great depths to see what other permissions may have changed but some little odd things involving Keychains happen here and there that would indicate other permissions have changed too.

I've repaired permissions prior to a clone, even while booted off the CD. I'm running 10.3.3. Is it better to clone a volume while booted from another startup disk?

Any insight appreciated. I've used Chop to force Entourage to work in the meantime. Thanks.

dnanian 05-21-2004 04:07 PM

Hi, slyfly.

There are weird problems with certain Jaguar volumes where permissions, which seem to be OK on the source volume, will clone improperly. As you've seen, it's not really an issue with SuperDuper! per se, since it happens with CCC (and, by extension, with ditto, Apple's own utility).

The problem is relatively easily rectified, since it tends to only involve ownership, and not the permissions themselves.

To resolve the issue, you first need to determine your default user and group. To do so, go to a Terminal prompt on the new Volume, and -- from your Home directory, issue the following command:

touch permtest

Then, do the following:

ls -l permtest

in one column you should see your short user name, and in one right next to it you'll see your group. This'll be different depending on how long you've had the volume and account: an account created under Jaguar you'd typically be <you>/staff, under Panther you'll be <you>/<you>.

Once you've determined the user and group, you should do:

chown -R <user>:<group> Documents

That'll change the ownership of all your Documents files to your user and group, which is what you want. Note that you should substitute your own user and group for <user> and <group>, with a colon in between. For example, for me, this would be:

chown -R dnanian:staff Documents

Hope that helps get you started!

slyfly 05-21-2004 04:40 PM

I'm currently recloning my system to see if there are different results... Should the problem persist I'll try this method and post an update.

I've noticed that general permissions in my Home folder are <me>:admin and some are <me>:unknown - although at my work we run an OSX server and my permissions there are <me>:staff.

Thanks again for the quick reply.

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