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peychaud 06-09-2012 12:02 PM

Cloning an entire disk as opposed to a volume?
I've been using a 1 TB LaCie Poulton design external drive partitioned into two volumes--a 250 GB volume which is a clone of my MacBook Air drive and a 750 GB volume that holds my iTunes music files.

I just bought a new 1 TB LaCie Minimus external drive that I've partitioned into four volumes to better meet my needs--a 250 GB volume to back up my MacBook Air, a 150 GB volume to back up my old MacBook, a 500 GB volume to back up my iTunes library, and a 100 GB volume to serve as a general files storage area.

Now that I've set up the new drive, I'd like to repartition the old drive to match it and make backing up less cumbersome.

Is there a way to use SuperDuper! to copy an entire partitioned disk as opposed to an individual volume? If so, is this recommended or would you suggest I do everything manually (ie erase and repartition the old disk and then use SuperDuper! to copy each volume to the appropriate partition)?

Sorry if this is a dumb question and thanks in advance!

dnanian 06-09-2012 04:38 PM

Sorry, no - we always copy volume to volume, and that's generally what I suggest doing...

peychaud 06-13-2012 10:57 AM

Thanks Dave. Another quick question while I've got you.

Last night, I tried to smart update a volume that holds my iTunes folder and some other general files. It took a long time and I eventually I got an error message telling me that the backup had failed. I went to the drive and there was a folder labeled damaged files with alias links to a ton of folders. I used Disk Utility to erase the volume and tried backing it up again. This time it worked fine.

Should I be worried about the damaged files?

The only thing I can think of that might have caused it is I recently got Disk Warrior and I may have run Disk Warrior on the backup before smart updating it. Could that potentially cause problems with smart updating? Any other issues with Disk Warrior?

Thanks again for the great customer service.

dnanian 06-13-2012 11:05 AM

Those are files from a drive/directory failure that the system 'fixed' during a mount-time fsck scan (it likely did that after the failure, the next time the volume was mounted).

You only have to worry if you haven't had any "reason" for a drive problem (eg a bad shutdown, accidental drive eject, etc).

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