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desertboomer 09-16-2009 06:53 PM

SD sees different Vol name on Ext Drive partitions
I have an Ext drive, partitioned 3 ways. Lets say the names are DUPE1, DUPE2 and DUPE3. After cloning, I'll rename the partitioned volumes, to show the oldest clone.

SD makes the clones fine, but the next time I launch SD,
the SD target window shows "DUPE1 1" , even though the Finder Sidebar, and the desktop icon, still show "DUPE1". Subsequent cloning seems to increase the SD imposed "suffix". eg several clones later, the Mac displays (and Disk Utility) still show DUPE1, but the SD target window shows DUPE1 7 !

The clone seems to work ok, but I don't see why SD's target window does not display the same name as the Mac desktop & finder sidebar.
Is there a problem with renaming (partition) volumes after SD has used them for cloning>



dnanian 09-16-2009 06:55 PM

We display the number when the drive has mounted at an unusual location because a previous mount point either still exists or a folder with its name has been created. Check the /Volumes folder (use Finder's "Go To Folder" command) to see what might be there causing this... it's usually drive failure.

desertboomer 09-17-2009 08:21 PM

Thanks for the response- can not check it now- am on the road.

Drive failure?? Gads! Hope not. Also all partitions work fine- the SD clones mount and one, and the partition for Time Machine also works.

Again, I'll check that folder search when I get home.

Is that path- "Finder > Go > RECENT folders" ?


dnanian 09-17-2009 10:52 PM

No, it's Finder > Go > Go To Folder.

desertboomer 09-19-2009 08:51 PM

No, it's Finder > Go > Go To Folder. >>>

OK, but as I'm not a Mac expert, let me ask-

When I go there, i should fill in . . . ..

and check for . .. . . . . . ?


dnanian 09-19-2009 09:41 PM

You fill in


and once there you look for any folders, not links/aliases, that have the names of the drives with the numbers after them...

desertboomer 09-22-2009 08:14 PM

Yes! That search shows LOTs of volumes with the suffixes.
Can I delete them (if so, how),
or will something like DiskWarrior clean them out?


dnanian 09-22-2009 09:24 PM

You'd want to delete the folders there (only - NOT links/aliases), then restart. Disk Warrior isn't going to touch them.

Jo* 09-23-2009 09:07 AM

Hi Dave,

as you just redirected me I followed the above instructions in order to find a folder named exactly the same as my backup-drive in /Volumes which has a lock-symbol on it.

Is it save to delete this folder (which appears to be empty)?

See screenshot:

How come this folder is created (respectively: remains mounted)?


dnanian 09-23-2009 09:10 AM

It's there likely because your external drive failed or was unplugged mid-copy previously. And yes, delete that folder (it's not empty, it likely contains some backup contents that weren't copied to the backup drive due to the aforementioned failure).

Jo* 09-23-2009 09:26 AM

Thanks so much for your speedy reply.

Just as a sidenote: WhatSize shows the folder to contain 0 bytes.


desertboomer 09-25-2009 02:03 PM

and once there you look for any folders, not links/aliases, that have the names of the drives with the numbers after them...
--Dave Nanian >>>>

OK- did that- deleted all FOLDERS with numerical suffixes.
Those left are the actual volume names on my ext HD

Was wondering- Could i delete these too, and just let SD & Finder start fresh,
the next time I plug in my Ext HD?


desertboomer 09-25-2009 03:56 PM

Well, I "thought" I got rid of the folders with suffixes.

Cleaned out all the folders, restarted, then mounted ext HD, and started SD.

Drat! SD displayed a suffix -1. GoTo folder showed it, but it was an Alias- which you said to leave alone.

So it loooks liek SD "created" an alias.



dnanian 09-25-2009 06:04 PM

Actually, the -1 is added when you mount a volume over the network... we didn't add the 1.

desertboomer 09-27-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 27134)
Actually, the -1 is added when you mount a volume over the network... we didn't add the 1.

Network? I cleaned them all out, then connected the Ext HD directly to the Mac via USB. When opened, SD sees volumes with -1 suffix.

Was a 'network' involved there?


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