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Willks 07-24-2009 09:19 AM

Where are the instructions to recover from a network
I've never had this much of a hard time on my old PC's. But, that aside, I've backed up my contents using SD OVER MY NETWORK to a WD MyBOok. Now, I can access the files individually through a mounted image, but how do I restore a full image? I even went through the whole time wasting procedure of installing OSX to the new hard disk, (Disk Utility restore would not work), installed SD, and still could not recover the image to the hard disk. What gives? Is it possible? I used to restore unix back ups back in the 90's using tapes!

Has anyone actually ever completely mirroring their old system from a network super duper image? I'm getting doubtful it is possible seemings I haven't found a clear way of doing it. Everything else on my mac has been easy, except this.

Not even as ROOT user can I copy the mounted image contents, although this is probably an OSX thing.

Sorry I sound so annoyed, but I heard things were meant to be easier on MAC. It isn't, at least, not if you deviate from Apple's software.

What do I want:

SImple: Complete network restore to my new hard disk!

dnanian 07-24-2009 09:26 AM

I have answered this in the other thread you posted to.

Willks 07-24-2009 10:34 PM

Yes sorry. Browser crashed (bad excuse I know, but using windows when posted).

Ok I sorted it out. I installed OSX to a bootable USB device, and carried out the restore. It worked as expected. Sorry for the annoyed expressions of frustration.

I'd delete the posts, but I'll leave them there to remind me not to fire off my thoughts without first trying all scenarious first.

Thanks again!


Originally Posted by Willks (Post 25733)
I've never had this much of a hard time on my old PC's. But, that aside, I've backed up my contents using SD OVER MY NETWORK to a WD MyBOok. Now, I can access the files individually through a mounted image, but how do I restore a full image? I even went through the whole time wasting procedure of installing OSX to the new hard disk, (Disk Utility restore would not work), installed SD, and still could not recover the image to the hard disk. What gives? Is it possible? I used to restore unix back ups back in the 90's using tapes!

Has anyone actually ever completely mirroring their old system from a network super duper image? I'm getting doubtful it is possible seemings I haven't found a clear way of doing it. Everything else on my mac has been easy, except this.

Not even as ROOT user can I copy the mounted image contents, although this is probably an OSX thing.

Sorry I sound so annoyed, but I heard things were meant to be easier on MAC. It isn't, at least, not if you deviate from Apple's software.

What do I want:

SImple: Complete network restore to my new hard disk!

dnanian 07-25-2009 07:25 AM


Ok I sorted it out. I installed OSX to a bootable USB device, and carried out the restore. It worked as expected.
I'm glad what I suggested earlier worked fine. Congratulations!

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