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mikel1 06-19-2009 12:06 AM

Kernel panic after restore
Brand new disk in my 15" MBP. Booted from my Leopard install disk and followed "Recovering from a disaster" directions from SuperDuper! manual (pp. 27-8). Restored from a sparse image backup of the machine made earlier today.

Restore and verify claimed to have worked, and I can see it in Disk Utility and select it as a startup drive, but when I try to boot from it I get

Panic (cpu 0 caller 0x004384FF): "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\".\n@/CourceCode/xnu/xnu-1228.12.4/iokit/Kernel/IOPlatformExpert.cpp: 1407

Yes, this is a backup of this very machine so it should darn well be the correct version.

One thing I noticed is that the new disk volume if called "macbookpro backup" (after the backup) rather than Macintosh HD (which is what the original was called). Can I change that, and might that have any effect on things?


dnanian 06-19-2009 06:58 AM

Are you sure this was a "Backup - all files" with "Smart Update", Mike1?

mikel1 06-19-2009 08:15 AM

Yes. It was done via "backup - all files" and it was updated with smart update and it was made bootable by SuperDuper!

dnanian 06-19-2009 10:04 AM

That's really weird. Same Mac, same OS version? Hm. Try using your OSX DVD to "archive-and-install" over what you have (that'll leave your data and applications in place, and lay down a new OS)...

mikel1 06-19-2009 10:32 AM

Trying that now...

mikel1 06-19-2009 10:38 AM

Leopard installer says "You cannot install Mac OS X on this volume. Mac OS X cannot start up from this volume"

mikel1 06-19-2009 10:44 AM

According to Apple support this means the disk is partitioned wrong. Going to try repartitioning as per the instructions there and then try re-restoring as per SuperDupr! guide instructions for "Recovering from a disaster".

If that's wrong stop me now...

dnanian 06-19-2009 10:48 AM

OK, let's see if that helps. Can't hurt.

mikel1 06-19-2009 02:47 PM

OK, Disk Utility told me there was no partition scheme! I partitioned the drive, made 1 partition, GUID partition scheme, then did a restore from my SuperDuper! backup to that volume, selecting "erase". It just finished, and booted fine. I logged in and renamed the volume from "macbookpro backup" to "Macintosh HD". My machine appears to be fine now! :)

dnanian 06-19-2009 03:05 PM

Wow. "No" partition scheme? Pretty wacky, but I'm glad you're all set!

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