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fdwlaw 05-24-2005 05:03 PM

New to Super Duper question
I have the full version of SD and have cloned my internal HD to my external firewire HD without any problems, I've also used the Smart update to keep the clone up to date. However I only perform the Smart update on a weekly basis. (BTW, great application, new to Apple Dec2004).

My backup scheme is to use SD to clone to my FW HD (Clone) and perform Smart updates on a weekly basis. Update my home folder daily using Apple's Backup 2.02 Application to another FW HD (Backup). Burn a copy of my home folder to re-writable DVD on a monthly basis (8GB).

My plan has been to have the ability to clone from the FW HD (clone) back to my internal iMacG5 hard drive in case of HD failure, or software problems.
1) Is this a wrong approach?
2) Is there an easier, better approach?
3) Im I way off base using SD this way?

Thanks :D

dnanian 05-24-2005 05:19 PM

Having multiple "levels" of backup is always worthwhile, fdwlaw, so I think it's good that you're supplementing a clone with other techniques.

But I wonder why -- if you're updating your "home folder" backup every day -- you're not updating your SuperDuper! Smart Update (full) every day too. It doesn't take very long, and it means you'd recover even faster in the event of a problem.

fdwlaw 05-24-2005 05:43 PM

Smart update
you ask; "But I wonder why -- if you're updating your "home folder" backup every day you're not updating your SuperDuper! Smart Update (full) every day too".

My thought was; I didn't want to use Smart update daily in case I had something on my internal HD that was going south. I'd at least have a good clone to clone back to my internal. I guess that sounds a little silly , Im open to your suggestion to use Smart update daily however. Any thoughts?


dnanian 05-24-2005 06:04 PM

I'd suggest partitioning your external drive into two volumes, and rotating between them every week. That way, you have the rollback possibility as well as an up to date version.

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