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gspark 06-11-2007 03:41 AM

copy options suck
I really hate the copy options, they aren't very clear to a novice and leaves too much room for accidental error

erase than copy
smart update
copy newer files
copy different files

I did a smart update and ended up losing many things, i accidently thought it would update with newer files and leave the present ones.

I believe a true smart-update should be update destination with newer files while leaving all other files untouched. (toss the "make identical" this is only asking for trouble)

how about just one copy button, then in another section define what you want to do in a more specific way ie erase & replace - replace new - copy only etc but make them in very clear wording.

I think SuperDuper needs to be more userfriendly as to prevent accidental erases. Remove all the guesswork of what does what.

s411ing 06-11-2007 07:02 AM

Oh snap. Sorry to hear about your loss. However...

I'm pretty sure that whenever I have set up a smart copy on my machines, there was a *very* clear warning telling me that files will be removed from the target. Did you chose to ignore this warning?

There's also the text that explains what's going to happen. Did you ignore this?

I'm not sure how we can expect the author of this software to come up with copy settings that are clear to people, unless these same people can be bothered to read one or two lines of text.

Again, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but I'm finding it difficult to blame SD! for it, considering the stuff I mentioned above. It's a product that deals with your data and it tells you exactly what it'll do with it.

- Jonas


Originally Posted by gspark (Post 12486)
I really hate the copy options, they aren't very clear to a novice and leaves too much room for accidental error

erase than copy
smart update
copy newer files
copy different files

I did a smart update and ended up losing many things, i accidently thought it would update with newer files and leave the present ones.

I believe a true smart-update should be update destination with newer files while leaving all other files untouched. (toss the "make identical" this is only asking for trouble)

how about just one copy button, then in another section define what you want to do in a more specific way ie erase & replace - replace new - copy only etc but make them in very clear wording.

I think SuperDuper needs to be more userfriendly as to prevent accidental erases. Remove all the guesswork of what does what.

dnanian 06-11-2007 11:37 AM

Sorry that you had trouble, gspark: we try to make things really clear -- Smart Update says it's just like erasing the drive and then copying the selections from the source, and then we give another warning, and there's a 3rd warning in the Options page, not to mention the User's Guide that goes into detail -- but sometimes people make assumptions about what it's going to do, rather than actually reading that information.

But, I'm always looking to improve the UI and documentation: thanks for the feedback.

gspark 06-22-2007 06:30 AM

Now i want you to go back and read those copy instructions, this time put down your crack pipe, you will find its a little blurry :P

think novice, not adv geekaroo, some of those options sound almost exactly the same if you didn't re-read it 100 times you'd swear they are saying the same thing, this can and has lead to errors and misunderstanding so I thought I'd point it out :)

All i'm saying is i had to read it over a few times to understand exactly WTF it's saying and still its blurry its like your screwed no matter what you do. Unless your an adv geekaroo there's little option to do things the way you want. This is SuperDuper isn't it ? or is it StupidPooper lol (no pun intended)

Go get your 3 year old child to read it and tell me it ain't wacked

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