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mypointofview 12-02-2005 02:53 PM

How to preserve icon of target volume during smartbackup?
I've set up a personalized script, so that the invisible file ".VolumeIcon.icns" should be ignored on the original drive while running "Backup - all files" in Smart Update mode. This works and the target volume does not receive this icon :)

However, in the same script I have defined also that the icon for the target drive "Volumes / BKUP Macintosh HD / .VolumeIcon.icns" should also be ignored. Yet it gets deleted on the target volume when I do a smart backup :(

I had selected the icon for the original drive ".VolumeIcon.icns" from the first column in the little browser underneath the "Script Commands" pane.

The icon for the target drive "Volumes / BKUP Macintosh HD / .VolumeIcon.icns" I had selected by first clicking on "Volumes" (left column) which then revealed all mounted drives in a second column. There I selected my target drive, which opened a third column where I finally selected the icon file for the target drive.

So the pane of the scripts commands said:

ignore .VolumeIcon.icns
ignore Volumes/BKUP Macintosh HD/.VolumeIcon.icns

Question: why is the icon on my target volume being deleted and how can I stop this?

Sincerely, Martin.

Panther 10.39, G4 Dual 500, SuperDuper 2.0, all internal drives

dnanian 12-02-2005 03:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
By definition, ignore with Smart Update will remove the file. It's ignored *from the source*, not the destination. That means it's not in the set of files to be copied, so it'll be removed instead.

So, here's what you should do:

- Create a folder named "Volume Icons" in your Home.
- In there, place the icon you want, for a given volume, named "the-volume-name.VolumeIcon.icns".
- Download the attached and set it as your "after copy" script in Advanced

That'll automatically set the icon when the backup is done. Note that it depends on having the developer tools installed in most cases (unless the source has a custom icon).

Aristophanes 01-17-2006 03:30 AM

Altered Icon on Cloned Drive

I have the same problem of my cloned drive icon changing after every backup. It is very frustrating. :(

Unlike the previous questioner, I have done nothing to exempt any files. SuperDuper just started doing it. This did not happen under V.1.


dnanian 01-17-2006 08:31 AM

This behavior hasn't changed between v1 and v2, Aristophanes. The icon is a file like any other, and is copied from the source to the destination.

There's a message "stuck" at the top of the forum that provides a method that should let you reset the icon after you back up, should this be important to you.

aaronpcreative 02-04-2006 07:14 PM

New Icon doesn't show up until log out/in
I followed all the steps above, and it works great except for the fact that the icon doesn't refresh automatically.

Let me suggest a feature here- that it would be nice to have the option, while setting up a dupe, to overlay a tiny indicator to the target volumes' duplicated icon, after copy, so that people wouldn't have to mess with .icns files? I do icons for fun so it's no big deal for me, but when you have several volumes operating, it can get a bit confusing in the finder.

dnanian 02-04-2006 09:42 PM

I'm not sure what you mean, Aaron. Where is this indicator displayed?

aaronpcreative 02-05-2006 03:00 PM

Just like there is an icon overlay in the Dock when you get mail. Perhaps the pencil from your logo would overlay the cloned drive's icon to visually reinforce that it's a backup. It wouldn't have to be dynamic, though. Just a thought, really. I don't have any idea how difficult that would be to accomplish.

Now, about the current issue of the icon not appearing until I log out then log back in. Any ideas? Thanks.

dnanian 02-05-2006 03:11 PM

Unfortunately, doing that would require dynamically modifying the icon itself; mail does it because it owns its dock icon, but we'd have to go behind Finder's back. I'm not sure that's really practical.

Regarding the icon -- try relaunching Finder by Option-Control-Clicking its dock icon and choose "Relaunch".

jwheare 04-21-2006 05:17 PM

Is there no way to reset the volume icon via the script? Seems a bit of a kludge to have to relaunch the Finder.

A better solution to this issue would probably be an option to ignore specific files on the target volume.

Thanks for this interim solution :)

dnanian 04-21-2006 05:20 PM

Well, the icon does reset in the script, but it seems to be that killing and restarting the Finder on the user is kind of unclean. It'd probably be better for the Finder to get fixed... ;)

jwheare 04-21-2006 05:22 PM

Probably but what are the chances of that?

Yeah yeah, bug report yada yada ;)

jwheare 04-21-2006 06:56 PM

Alternatively, what's the best way to safely unmount/remount the volume via the shell script? umount yielded slightly scary results when I tried it in the terminal.


dnanian 04-21-2006 07:40 PM

You can unmount/remount using the same general script that you'll find elsewhere on the forums (where it's used during scheduled backups). Basically, you use diskutil...

mypointofview 05-22-2006 08:48 PM

How to exclude the desktop picture from a backup?
I'd like to continue the discussion in this thread towards talking about the desktop image. The real reason for people wanting to have a different icon on their backup drive is, i guess, to not get fooled. Because the backup is a duplicate and looks the same.

When I troubleshoot a computer problem or wander on my backup for other reasons I find myself often forgetting that I'm actually on a backup :o

Therefore I like to have a different desktop picture on my backup drive - automatically.

How to do this? I believe the procedure is similar as with the volume icon, but I don't know which files to exclude for this - perhaps some Preference file?

Here's an crazy idea: how about if SuperDuper overlays the backup desktop automatically with a "SuperDuper!" logo/desktop? I could then always change that easily if I'd wanted to continue "living" on that backup volume...

Sincerely, Martin.

dnanian 05-22-2006 09:06 PM

This wouldn't be that easy to do, Martin... I'm also not so sure I would *want* to modify a backup for something like this.

That said, it's possible you could have a regular picture you're using for the desktop image, and then change that file (same name) with another one in a post-copy script...

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