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dyoken 03-28-2007 04:56 PM

Failed to mount using disk images?
I am preparing to set up a computer to backup over the network, but decided to connect the computer directly to the backup drive for the initial backup before setting it up on the airport extreme.

So I am doing a smart update using a Disk Image on the network volume, but everytime I try to do this, I get an error "Failed to mount MacBook Pro Backup" on the second line under Part 1.

Then looking in the log, it says:


| 04:48:13 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Mounting MacBook Pro Backup
| 04:48:13 PM | Error | 2007-03-28 16:48:13.133 hdiutil[349] CFLog (21): dyld returns 2 when trying to load /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin

This last line is in red.

I have no idea what to do. Virtual PC is not loaded on my computer, and I tried to deleted the referred to plugin file, but that didn't help.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


dfbackup 03-28-2007 05:16 PM

I am getting the same issue. The disk image is created by SuperDuper! but fails to mount. If I double click the image after superduper fails it will mount but if I run super duper again it fails with the same error. I also can not delete the disk image or unmount the network server until I log out and back into OSX. The file always seems to be busy. I have no problems with this setup on my G5 imac to the same drive.

System Specs: MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.16, 2GB Ram, 10.4.9, Wireless to Airport Extreme Disk (1TB Fantom USB)

Log contents are:

| 02:08:46 PM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.1.4 (82), path: /Applications/SuperDuper!/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.4.9 build 8P2137 (i386)
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Started on Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 2:08 PM
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Source Volume: Macintosh HD, mount: /, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: ST9100824AS, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "HFS+", OS: 10.4.9 (8P2137), capacity: 82.00 GB, used: 65.41 GB, directories: 145882, files: 829116, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Disabled
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Target Image: /Volumes/drew/Drew-MBPro-UserFolder.sparseimage, name: Drew-MBPro-UserFolder
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - user files.dset
| 02:08:46 PM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Macintosh HD
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Macintosh HD
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Macintosh HD
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Mounting Drew-MBPro-UserFolder
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Preparing Drew-MBPro-UserFolder
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Setting ownership and access modes for '/Volumes/drew/Drew-MBPro-UserFolder.sparseimage'
| 02:08:47 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Mounting Drew-MBPro-UserFolder
| 02:08:48 PM | Error | 2007-03-28 14:08:48.372 hdiutil[318] CFLog (21): dyld returns 2 when trying to load /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin.bundle/Contents/MacOS/VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin

dnanian 03-28-2007 06:37 PM

OK. Delete /Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages/VirtualPCDiskImagePlugin.bundle and restart. That's a leftover from Virtual PC that's not Intel compatible.

dfbackup 03-28-2007 06:46 PM

That worked. Thanks for the quick reply.

dyoken 03-28-2007 08:49 PM

Deleting that specific file was the first thing I did, but it didn't resolve the problem unfortunately...Any other suggestions perhaps? And do you have any insight into why SD! would call up a plugin relating to outdated legacy software when it tries to mount a disk image?

Thanks in advance for your help with this.


dfbackup 03-28-2007 10:04 PM

So you are saying even when you deleted it you still got the error that the plugin could not load? Very odd. I did retart after I deleted mine but that is all I did and now it works fine.

dnanian 03-28-2007 10:25 PM

I'd need to see the error you're getting, Dave.

dyoken 03-29-2007 05:34 PM

Not a problem. I will get it to you as soon as I can. Thanks Dave!

RAmeeti 03-31-2007 01:31 AM

Another failed to mount
Here's the log. (The log seems to be pretty complete as I can't see much more to add for my details. :-)

| 10:28:20 PM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.1.4 (82), path: /Applications/Additional/Utilities/SuperDuper/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.4.9 build 8P2137 (i386)
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Started on Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:28 PM
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Source Volume: Macintosh HD, mount: /, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: TOSHIBA MK2035GSS, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.4.9 (8P2137), capacity: 185.99 GB, used: 110.74 GB, directories: 133557, files: 626411, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Disabled
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Target Image: /Volumes/ Backup.sparseimage, name: Portable Backup
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Macintosh HD
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Macintosh HD
| 10:28:20 PM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 10:28:21 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Macintosh HD
| 10:28:21 PM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 10:28:21 PM | Info | ...ACTION: Mounting Portable Backup
| 10:28:21 PM | Info | ......COMMAND => Preparing Portable Backup
| 10:28:22 PM | Info | hdiutil: create failed - No such file or directory
| 10:28:22 PM | Error | ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=22 (Unknown error: 0)

dfbackup 03-31-2007 01:56 AM

I get this same error whenever I try to have SD mount a network drive for a schelduled copy. For some reasons my computers will only mount network shares if not schelduled. To get around this I include an applescript to mount the netowrk drive through an alias first and all works good. I copied below waht I posted in another thread:


I have this same issue on my two macs (PPC & Intel) with a network backup. I use this applescript to mount the drive. It opens an alias (in my ~/Library/Favorites) I have stored to the network drive. As long as you have the user and pass stored in the keychain this will require no user input. Just replace the "alias-file-name" below with the name of your alias in your favorites folder. The script will input your correct username.

set thePath to ((get path to startup disk) & "Users:" & ¬
(do shell script "echo $USER") & ¬
":Library:Favorites:alias-file-name") as string

tell application "Finder"
open alias thePath
end tell

And then I use this script to unmount it. Be sure to put the name of the network drive here, not the alias name.

tell application "Finder"
eject disk "name-of-network-disk"
end try
end tell

You can add these directly into CopyJob.applescript inside your schelduled backup package. Just don't forget to toggle the checkbox for the script inside the SuperDuper! interface to recompile the script.

dnanian 03-31-2007 07:48 AM

Your issue is likely because the "path" to the image (/Volumes/ has changed, whether because its IP address has changed or something else has been renamed.

I'd suggest giving the host an actual hostname and using that, then recreating the schedule (or re-selecting the image).

RAmeeti 03-31-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 11503)
Your issue is likely because the "path" to the image (/Volumes/ has changed, whether because its IP address has changed or something else has been renamed.

I'd suggest giving the host an actual hostname and using that, then recreating the schedule (or re-selecting the image).

Good thoughts as I see by the path that I've got a problem. But ...

Reality is that is a statically mapped NAS (Networked Attached Storage) drive. The drive has a host name of NAS-500. It has 3 shares on it. One of them is 'Dad'.

I use 'Connect to Server ...' to mount it via 'SMB://' and then I get the selection option of the 3 shares. I select 'Dad' and it then mounts as Volume 'Dad'. Within that volume, there is a single folder named Backups. With that volume already mounted, I attempt to do my SD backup but the error occurs as noted.

I have tried to connect to the drive by using 'SMB://NAS-500/' but that does not work. I get an error -36 but my thoughts are that since the drive is statically mapped, and since it is already mounted, if I could manually select my Target Image as /Volumes/Dad/Backups/Portable Backup.sparseimage then all would be fine. But SD is putting the drives IP as the Volume name instead of 'Dad' which is what the Finder is showing and which is the real volume name. It does look like SD is not recognizing the volume name that is part of the location process that is accomplished via the Save As... dialog when using a Sparse Image file.

More ideas? and thanks for your help.

dnanian 03-31-2007 12:03 PM

OK. Well, the file browser isn't "ours" -- it's OSX's, and that's the actual path they're mounting the volume at, so it's what we save.

I guess I'd suggest, pointing to the mounted image volume, rather than the drive. That way, we won't care "where" it is, as long as the system mounts it for us.

RAmeeti 03-31-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 11505)
OK. Well, the file browser isn't "ours" -- it's OSX's, and that's the actual path they're mounting the volume at, so it's what we save.

I guess I'd suggest, pointing to the mounted image volume, rather than the drive. That way, we won't care "where" it is, as long as the system mounts it for us.

Nice try but no go. In the 'Save As...' I selected the volume instead of the folder within it. Now SD does recognize the 'Dad' instead of the IP address but it still fails. :-(

| 09:11:41 AM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.1.4 (82), path: /Applications/Additional/Utilities/SuperDuper/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.4.9 build 8P2137 (i386)
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Started on Sat, Mar 31, 2007 at 9:11 AM
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Source Volume: Macintosh HD, mount: /, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: TOSHIBA MK2035GSS, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.4.9 (8P2137), capacity: 185.99 GB, used: 110.77 GB, directories: 133556, files: 625814, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Disabled
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Target Image: /Volumes/Dad/Portable Backup.sparseimage, name: Portable Backup
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Macintosh HD
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Macintosh HD
| 09:11:41 AM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 09:11:42 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Macintosh HD
| 09:11:42 AM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 09:11:42 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Mounting Portable Backup
| 09:11:42 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Preparing Portable Backup
| 09:11:44 AM | Info | hdiutil: create failed - No such file or directory
| 09:11:44 AM | Error | ****FAILED****: result=256 errno=22 (Unknown error: 0)

C'mon now. More creative thinking please. :-)

dnanian 03-31-2007 12:25 PM

No -- not in "Save As". Mount the sparse image by double-clicking, then select its volume directly in the destination pop-up.

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