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tuni 05-20-2008 12:38 PM

Newbie Restore Question

Using Leopard 10.5.2 on iMac, SuperDuper backs up to LaCie FW Drive (2X/week) giving me a bootable backup. Time Machine backs up continuously onto WD "My Book" FW also. In addition, have Windows XP via vmware fusion running old version of Quicken (without on-line access).

It appears that Time Machine does backup my vmware including Quicken (I have a Quicken backup folder on my iMac desktop which updates as I update the data.)

I don't think SD backs up all the Quicken data, it appears only the Quicken program is in the SD backup but without the complete data as far as I can tell.

In the event of computer failure I assume I should first do a restore using SD and then do another restore using Time Machine just to ensure I have all my updated info and data for the whole system, including Quicken?


dnanian 05-20-2008 02:56 PM

SD! certainly does back up the VMWare data (if in a data file on your main volume). Make sure VMWare is closed when you copy, of course.

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