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emikysa 09-28-2005 05:56 PM

Program and email automatically opening on boot from backup - mysterious

Earlier today I downloaded SuperDuper! and read the users guide. I then created a clone on an external drive (FireLite FireWire 100GB). I set SD! to automatically boot to the external drive upon completion, and it did. So far so good. However, upon booting up, two programs (OmniOutliner and Mail) and an email from 2004 opened. I rebooted to the external clone a few times and the same programs and email open each time. Other than that everything looks fine, but this mysterious behavior makes me worry about the possibility of other behind-the-scenes issues.

Have others experienced a similar problem? Am I making a knuckle-headed mistake? Any suggestions?

Thank you,

PowerBook G4
OS X 10.4.2

dnanian 09-28-2005 06:02 PM

That's rather weird, Erik. Are those items in your Login Items?

emikysa 09-29-2005 09:51 AM

Hi Dave,

Thank you for the quick reply.

Yes, I took a look at my Login Items in my new SD image (under System Preferences -> Users -> my profile) and found the email and OmniOutliner listed. I checked out my Login Items in my profile on my main (source) hard drive and they were not there.

Those two items were triggered even in the first SD boot of my new image, so there is no way that I could have accidentally added them. I did have a fair number of old "Unknown" items in my original Login Items on the source hard drive. Perhaps during the SD process two of those were somehow converted into the two new ones?

The two things that opened were expecially strange - an email that I hadn't opened since May 2004 (before I had migrated to this PowerBook), and OmniOutliner, which I don't think I ever had opened and which I didn't even know I had on this computer!

Anyhow, I cleaned up my Login Items on my source hard drive and ran SD over night. This morning I checked out both sets of Login Items and they are now the same. It might be useful if other users would examine their two (or more) sets of Login Items to see if anything similar is happening.


dnanian 09-29-2005 09:59 AM

I think that's exactly right: those items were "Unknown" because they couldn't be located, probably because the volume name was in them. When you booted from the copy, they were resolvable, and thus there...

(I can guarantee that we don't "change" the login items plists -- it'd be awfully clever of us, and we're not that "smart". ;))

emikysa 09-29-2005 10:59 AM

Okay, thanks Dave. :)

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