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TMay 01-30-2008 07:48 PM

Moronic Blog Comments
Jesus...I was never even aware there WERE comments available on the blog until the discussion here today. How I wish I were still unaware.

Went there tonight and read some. What a bunch of complete trash. "Comments" should stay off forever, and IM(not so)HO should never have been turned on. Trash.

I'll comment only on one all-too-common thread in comments to the 1/21 blog entry: people pillorying Dave/Shirt-Pocket for "PR blurbs" and "putting out a phony "PR" date and then not making it", etc. etc. etc.

In case anybody had bothered to READ here in the Forum, Dave stoutly and insistently resisted ANY date prediction whatsoever for weeks. Literally. Finally he made what I'm sure he now sees was the mistake of trying to answer the clamor by fools with too much time on their hands and too little "real" to do for a date with a (reasonable at the time, I'm sure) prediction. Of course, things don't work out, and now look what he gets.

I cite this as only one example of the continued outrageous and mindless chatter. I'll post no further material here as 1) I'm too angry to be reasonable, and 2) For those I am talking to (at?) it will do no good whatsoever.

midnightsun 01-31-2008 09:33 PM

Do or die.
Hello Dave,

The blog has been shut down and there has been no further word since the note that "we are in a shut down and we are waiting for comment from outside testing." What is the word Dave. Yes, no, or a "week or so".
Please, cut to the quick, is SD going to work with Leopard??? or should "we" all just quietly move on?:(

dnanian 01-31-2008 09:40 PM

Let me put it this way, midnightsun. Yesterday, I took some time to write the press release.

midnightsun 01-31-2008 11:15 PM

Dave, you truly are a very honourable man! Thank you for everything!


Jeffus 02-01-2008 07:50 AM

Blog comments?

Originally Posted by TMay (Post 16883)
Jesus...I was never even aware there WERE comments available on the blog until the discussion here today. How I wish I were still unaware.

Gotta admit Dave I didn't know you could comment on your blogs. How do I do it once the feature is turned back on? BTW keep up the great work on Super Duper! Take no notice of the "mindless morons" we CAN wait, it'll be well worth the wait.


dnanian 02-01-2008 08:12 AM

You just click the comment link at the bottom of the post.

Jeffus 02-01-2008 11:01 AM

Have your say?
Hi Dave, the tab that says "Have your say"?


dnanian 02-01-2008 11:03 AM

Yes, it switches to that once you click Comments.

mepavitt 02-01-2008 11:05 AM


It's always darkest just before the dawn. Will await the press release. Everything here is ready to go - all it needs is SuperDuper!

badlydrawnboy 02-01-2008 11:22 AM

Yes, I'm very excited too. Can we expect to see it today Dave?

dnanian 02-01-2008 11:35 AM

No, not today...

rmiller501 02-01-2008 11:58 AM

If you have written the press release then you know damn well when you are going to release SD, but the best your can give us, who have been waiting for over three months is "not today" ? You might have a great program, and excellent tech support, but your PR sucks. :mad:

dnanian 02-01-2008 01:00 PM

Actually, no, I don't "known damn well" when I'm going to release SD, sorry. What possible point would there be to holding back the exact date from you when all it's going to do is generate messages like this, unless -- perhaps -- I don't have an exact date because I could be surprised (as I have been in the past)?

As I've said, we're still waiting on final results from the external testers. But it's quite likely to be soon, and I'm confident enough that I've written the press release.

I'm sorry that you feel our "PR Sucks"... I could just not say anything until the day of release, or give a totally unsatisfying range like "in the first half of 2008", if you'd prefer...

davecc 02-01-2008 01:43 PM


You are a guy with lots of patience dealing with these spoilt little children who cannot get their new toy now. I can safely speak for the rest of us in saying that we are very satisfied with your product, tech. support and "PR".


t3rockhall 02-01-2008 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by davecc (Post 16916)

You are a guy with lots of patience dealing with these spoilt little children who cannot get their new toy now. I can safely speak for the rest of us in saying that we are very satisfied with your product, tech. support and "PR".


Me, too. Actually, thanks, Dave. I put off installing Leo because I was waiting for SD, and, from what I've read, holding off on 10.5.0 has saved me a pile of trouble. Now there's a major rework of Leo in the works, so I'm perfectly happy to wait a little longer.

danielp 02-01-2008 03:59 PM


I cite this as only one example of the continued outrageous and mindless chatter. I'll post no further material here as 1) I'm too angry to be reasonable, and 2) For those I am talking to (at?) it will do no good whatsoever.
I count your childish rant as mindless chatter. You've made it your mission to take on anyone who has complained or asked questions, going as far as telling people are stupid for upgrading. If shirt-pocket only wants positive comments, doesn't want anything negative or to hear from frustrated users, they can certainly do just that. Until then find something to do with your time (and I love the childish "and I'm not coming back!" ending. Awesome).


I can safely speak for the rest of us in saying that we are very satisfied with your product, tech. support and "PR".
Some people will agree with you, some people will not, but you can only speak for yourself. Playing on a group mentality backing doesn't make your point any better or worse.


Dave. I put off installing Leo because I was waiting for SD, and, from what I've read, holding off on 10.5.0 has saved me a pile of trouble.
What the hell are you reading? People keep repeating this nonsense. You're missing out on not upgrading chicken little. But if you keep telling yourself the sky is falling you might be able to stick with tiger a while longer. Sucks to be you.

Felix 02-02-2008 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 16904)
...Yesterday, I took some time to write the press release.

Ah, that's good news, Dave!!

Surely you wouldn't have taken that step unless you reasonably expected to release the update within the next week or two. And I'd guess you wouldn't have taken the time to write it up unless the "heavy lifting" was finished and you were just waiting for the final beta tester results to trickle in.

BTW, what's the best day of the week to generate the most coverage (and resulting reader viewings) on the Mac-related web sites?

Apple seems to release a lot of stuff on Tuesdays so I guess their PR research has shown that day of the week works best for them. But they are more concerned with national media coverage; thus for instance, probably wouldn't release anything on Super Tuesday ( 5 Feb)...Presidential Primary voting day in the U.S.

Since SuperDuper plays to a smaller audience, I'm curious if you've determined there's a better day. Of course, releasing on a weekend might help to spread out the server load which is apparently about maxed out since you had to turn off the blog comments.

Or do you just release it on the day it's finished without taking any external factors into account?

dnanian 02-02-2008 10:01 AM

In general, Felix, I don't think it matters.

kerasmus 02-03-2008 09:23 AM

The only truly moronic complaints I remember were people asking for their money back, especially the guy who posted his sales information showing his license was something like two years old (I'm probably exaggerating, but not by much). Really, what else can you do but laugh at that?!

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