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fq360 07-25-2011 04:35 PM

i haven't tried to recopy as yet, startup disk shows no bootable image apart from internal disk, what am i doing wrong?

dnanian 07-25-2011 05:16 PM

You need to re-copy: your backup hasn't been fully updated. (Also, the backup drive has to be properly partitioned, which I'm assuming you've done but I don't know - it's covered in Help > Frequently Asked Questions, top question.)

fq360 07-25-2011 05:24 PM

ok will try now and recopy and post back

thanks for help so far really appreciated :)

i have time machine connected via wifi which is formatted mac os journaled (case sensitive) and also another drive connected to time machine via usb which is mac os journaled (guid)

fq360 07-25-2011 07:39 PM

ok so i connected my external hard drive to my laptop recopied over the existing backup and still no start up disk showing in pref panes,

the disk is formatted correctly using mac os journaled(guid) not sure whats going wrong, although at least this time the backup finished correctly without turning time machine off so at least thats working now, just can't get it to show up as startup disk

dnanian 07-25-2011 07:45 PM

Please send your last log into support using the send to shirt pocket button (and error during copy as the issue type). Thanks.

fq360 07-26-2011 04:52 AM

I don't have a last log as the copy finished correctly. it just won't show as a startup disk?

dnanian 07-26-2011 06:52 AM

Sure you do. Window > Show Log.

freestef 07-26-2011 07:06 AM

SDCopy: FTS_NS error for item: '/Volumes/xxx' err: 22,
Hello, although this thread is from March, I just bought a new MacBook Air (with Lion installed) and tried to clone it twice with an SD error. That's the reason why I looked for thread on this subject.
Anyway, my SSD is fine according to Disk Utility.

In despair, I tried to clone it with CCC and I got no error and the clone is indeed bootable.

So why SuperDuper can't do it ???

Moreover, I tried the "Send report to ShirtPocket" but could not activate the send button. There is an "Account" field in which I tried to paste my forum account, email address and serial number with no success!

Please, understand my frustration.
Cheers, Stéphane

fq360 07-26-2011 08:45 AM

my bad - i have sent log

thanks again

dnanian 07-26-2011 09:38 AM

Please send in your log by copying and pasting and sending to support -at-, Stephane.

fq360 07-26-2011 09:43 AM

hi thanks for the reply email but i don't understand the difference between bundle and drive?

the image is stored on a drive? or am i just being thick!!:)

dnanian 07-26-2011 09:54 AM

A bundle is a disk image file. It's a virtual drive, and won't be bootable.

A real drive is a physical partition on an actual drive connected to your mac.

You can't boot from a bundle, because it's not real - it's not "visible" at startup time, because it's a 'simulated' drive.

If you want a bootable volume, you have to write it directly to a properly partitioned drive. That will erase other things on that partition, so be aware: you should dedicate that volume (partition) to the backup.

fq360 07-26-2011 10:24 AM

ah i got you now, so if i connect my external drive directly to MBP it will create a bootable disk

if i create a backup over network to Time machine this would be virtual image and only be able to restore via disk utility from recovery disk.

therefore is it wise to do a bootable copy and virtual image on both external drive and time machine incase one backup fails?

thanks again for your patience really appreciated :D

dnanian 07-26-2011 10:26 AM

No, not just connect. You have to back up directly to it as well, not to an image. And correct: you can only boot from an image once you've restored it.

fq360 07-26-2011 10:39 AM

managed to complete successfully and booted up from backup.

great many thanks:)

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