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Old 10-05-2005, 03:51 PM
macWish macWish is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 75
If I mount the sparse image on the macMini and use SuperDuper to copy the user files to the sparse image, then to have a backup on another drive, I would have to copy the entire sparse image via the network to the external firewire drive attached to the iMac. In other words, it does not seem possible to use SuperDuper to make backup over the network. Am I misunderstanding something?

Just to make sure I was clear about what I want to do:

My network consists of
1. iMac with external firewire drive
2. iMac attached to router via etherner cable
3. macMini networked to router by wireless connection.

I want to make backup of my wife's user folder on the macMini to the external firewire drive over the network. Can I do this with SUperDuper?
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