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Old 09-01-2008, 08:51 AM
john love john love is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 22
Atta Boy and some fragmentation questions

After some 6 years of using SD to clone my internal and external drives, I finally had a need to restore and it worked flawlessly .. as if you folk didn't know that already.

My "need" was based on my brand-new iMac G5 having severe fragmentation as reported by TechTool Pro .. anyway, erased and resored from my 2 clones .. but TechTool Pro still reports moderate fragmentation.

How could there be disk fragmentaion on a brand new drive?

How could there be file fragmentation when I only have 60 gig on a 500 gig drive?

Maybe the answer is that I am using TechTool Pro that others have discovered reports invalid data.

Sure would appreciate some insight here.

John Love
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