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Old 11-03-2007, 04:11 PM
balazs balazs is offline
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Posts: 7
Question restoring from backup - gown awry, help!!!

So I backed up my drive using SuperSuper before installing Leopard (while logged into tiger - this may have caused a problem, did I oversee something), thinking things might go awry. And that they did. I'll spare you the details, but it boiled down to logging in to Leopard was fine, but Finder never started up.

So I thought that I'll be fine with my backup that I made using SuperDuper. Here's the problem: I reinstalled a blank copy of Tiger, and then I restored the from the .DMG file that superduper made. However when I started up my Mac, I was shown a username and password box. I looked around and I found that my netinfo file was damaged, so I trashed that. When I restarted, it showed me the welcome prompts that you get when you startup for the first time. I went through the process and made the default user something different so that it didn't overwrite my data. Once I logged out of the default user and logged into my account: I founf the worst problem.

All of my settings had disappeared like I just had created a new account. sure my applications and everything was there, but when i started anything up, including safari, it made a notice that it couldn't write to some file or couldn't load up my bookmarks. I couldn't access my Documents folder so i ran a repair disk permissions, and it worked, but it still couldn't find my settings! My keychain was totally gone and nothing was found.

Help!! Anything will be appreciated, I thought I was safe with my backup, but apprently not!

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