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saratogalefty 12-28-2008 10:42 PM

How Do I Know If SuperDuper is doing Anything?
This may sound really stupid but I'm new to the Mac and I've just downloaded SuperDuper and registered. The SuperDuper! window came up; I identified the "Copy" drive and the "to" Drive and told it to use Backup - All Files. Then I pressed the Blue Copy Now button and nothing seemed to happen. There was no change in screen or anything. The Copy Now button was pulsating slightly so i pressed it again but still can't tell if anything is happening??? Can you please advise what I should do next?? The "Copy" drive has about 350 Gb of photos on it and nothing else.

Saratoga Lefty

saratogalefty 12-28-2008 10:55 PM

One other thing. The PDF guide indicates after you click on "Copy Now" you should receive a "final confirmation" screen. After I clicked on "Copy Now" nothing happened (either time). No confirmation screen, nothing???

Saratoga Lefty

saratogalefty 12-29-2008 12:53 AM

Problem solved!!
Okay, I guess I did something wrong on the initial setup. Anyway, i quit SuperDuper! and then started it up again and it worked just fine this time. Copied 325GB of photos to a second internal drive in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Now I'm going to back them up again to an external drive.

dnanian 12-29-2008 10:00 AM

Great! Always good to see that a problem gets resolved before I have a chance to check it out. :)

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