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mkaiserco 02-07-2008 11:25 AM

Leopard restore and Parallels?
Just used 2.5 (thanks, Dave and crew) to copy a 160mb hard drive to a new 320mb drive on my MacBook Pro.

All seems to be working fine except that Parallels won't start--just get the "spinning wheel". I'll try to re-copy the Parallels folder later today, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a reason why it might not work?

Thanks for a great product and superior support.


dnanian 02-07-2008 11:31 AM

Is the new drive named the same as the original?

mkaiserco 02-07-2008 11:34 AM

Yes, same name "Macintosh HD"
I noticed when I did the copy that SD said I was copying from "Macintosh HD" (my external USB boot drive) to the internal "Macintosh HD-1" (not sure about the hyphen, but it showed a 1 at the end). But after the copy, internal (target) drive was properly named "Macintosh HD".


mikebore 02-07-2008 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by mkaiserco (Post 17162)
All seems to be working fine except that Parallels won't start--just get the "spinning wheel". I'll try to re-copy the Parallels folder later today, but I'm wondering if anyone knows a reason why it might not work?

Was the Parallels VM suspended or shut down when you ran SD?

You could try starting Parallels app (not the VM) and reset the paths in the config editor.

mkaiserco 02-07-2008 05:30 PM

Update on my Parallels problem
I saw that there was a Parallels update available, so I downloaded and installed it.

Now, when I try to start my Vista VM, I get the following message:

"Parallels Desktop failed to allocate the specified amount of memory.
Please restart Parallels Desktop and try again.
To avoid this problem in the future choose from the menu: Parallels Desktop > Preferences. On the Memory tab select the "Enable virtual memory preallocation" option."

I checked the option (it was unchecked), but still get the error. I suppose I should take this over to the Parallels folks?

Just to be "safe", I also just re-copied the Parallels folder (in \user\Library\Parallels) but no change.

To answer mikebore's question, I believe (but I'm not sure) that the VM was suspended when I did my SD copy. I'm going to double check--and see if I can open Parallels if I boot off my original hard drive.


mkaiserco 02-07-2008 06:38 PM

End of story?
OK, I guess this is a Parallels issue after all--except that it's apparently, in this case, brought on by having copied with SD.

If I boot off the "old" disk, I can open the Vista VM in Parallels just fine, but if I copy the Parallels stuff to the "new" disk, I get the memory allocation error when I try to run the Vista VM.

After seeing a few threads on the Parallels support site, it's clear I'm not the only one having these memory allocation errors. The "fix" is to not allocate more than 1 megabyte of memory for the VM (I had been using 1.2 MB).

So thanks for your help, but there's still some mystery in the Parallels camp about this whole thing.


dnanian 02-07-2008 06:40 PM

Seems weird. Happens if the backup drive is named the same as the original, too?

mkaiserco 02-07-2008 06:46 PM

Yep, same name. Weird it is--but not your weirdness, Dave. If you have some free time and crave some amusement, have a look at the Parallels support forum. There are more than a few having this problem. The only pattern I've seen is that the problem only surfaces when allocating memory over 1 MB.

My advice to you . . . stay out of it. :)

dnanian 02-07-2008 06:50 PM

Believe me, I shall stay well away. :)

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