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Iatchi 12-17-2004 08:40 AM

Feature request future version
It would be great if SD was able to schedule regular (smart) back ups, kind of like Deja Vu works. Thx for listening. :)

dnanian 12-17-2004 09:17 AM

Hi, 'iatchi' -- in the current version, you can actually schedule regular (smart) backups -- check out section 12 of the User's Guide, which explains how. (Note that, in addition to the method described in there, you can also use iCal to do the scheduling.)

We're working hard to get a scheduling UI into SuperDuper! for the next major version (v2.0). It's coming...

Iatchi 12-17-2004 10:00 AM

Ok, thanks for the quick reply.
I find the automatic backup setup via Apple script and Cronnix somewhat cumbersome. The good news however is that you already planned a scheduling option in vs. 2.0, so I'll wait for that one to submerge ;)

dnanian 12-17-2004 10:18 AM

Yes, it's somewhat cumbersome -- using iCal is slightly less so. I can't give you an explicit date for v2.0, but we're working on it, and have been for some time...

brithor52 12-25-2004 12:08 PM

My wants list
I use firewire drives as backups. And I name the partitions on the FW drives the same as those on the internal hard drives. It seems that whichever the boot drive, it will be at the top of the list of partitions to clone from and to. I don't recall that being noted in the documentation, but maybe I missed it.

This is not too much of a problem when cloning from non-FW to FW, but when going FW to FW the drive icons look the same. I just need a little more assurance that I'm picking the correct drives.I know that the program appends a 1 or a 2 to the end of volumes that have the same name as those on the boot disk, but I don't fully trust the assumptions that generates.
I tried applying the red label to all the partitions on my FW1 disk and green labels to my FW2 disk. Unfortunately there is no indication of label colors in the copy dialogue window. And... when you start the clone procedures, after the target volume has been erased, there is an error message about not being able to apply permissions to the volume. I tried this a couple of times and it wasn't until I removed the label from the target volume that the clone would work.

I know this may be a tough function to add but for those of us who MUST maintain the same partition names on our various disks due to certain software, like Dreamweaver, it would help our peace of mind.

I also noted that changing the drive name by simply highlighting it and replacing the text, resulted in the partition sometimes not showing up in the "TO" list.



dnanian 12-25-2004 09:40 PM

Problem understood: thanks, Brian. Note that SuperDuper! will never allow you to write to the boot drive, so you don't have to be concerned about that, at least. But your points about multiple drives named the same thing are well taken.

We are aware of the bug where if you rename a drive while SuperDuper! is running, we don't pick up the change: unfortunately, OSX doesn't inform us of that change, but we've got the problem logged and are trying to come up with a solution...

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