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paulold 07-29-2009 11:05 AM

clone or restore? what should i do?
I have an older 15" MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz and a Time Capsule. My internal harddrive is only 75 GB and it's filling up so I have purchased a 500 GB drive upgrade. Nothing's wrong - I just want more storage space on my internal drive. I've been reading numerous websites about how to go about transferring my data to my new drive and I would like some guidance.

1. I could clone my drive. I bought an enclosure for this purpose even.
2. I could install my new drive and then do a full restore from my Time Capsule backup.

Which do you think is better?

Since I am on a cloning-friendly site, I suspect most of you will say "clone!", so I am curious about something with regards to cloning. If I choose to clone my drive, what will happen with my Time Capsule when I install the new drive with the cloned data on it? Will it think nothing has changed or will it back up everything on the new drive as if it contains all new data? Does that suggest that restoring from my Time Capsule will keep everything continuous and in order with regards to my past and future backups?

Thanks for your guidance. I would appreciate details as to why you would pick one method over the other. I'm having trouble deciding and I don't want to mess things up.

dnanian 07-29-2009 11:58 AM

It's going to re-copy everything regardless of what method you use, Paul. But it's going to be a lot faster to clone. Drop me an email and I'll provide you some steps.

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