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peychaud 08-30-2009 01:08 AM

Hang during Smart Update

I hadn't backed up my MacBook in a few months, so I decided I was overdue for a Smart Update. I've tried a number of times over the past several nights, but Smart Update continues to hang after evaluating about 25 GB.

The first night I let it run for about 45 minutes, but it showed no progress after the first 15 minutes or so. Since then I've been stopping the update after about five minutes of no progress.

If it matters, I'm backing up to a Western Digital external drive that's connected via USB. I've used Disk Utility's "repair disk" function on the external drive, but it never turns up any problems with the disk.

FYI, I'm running OS 10.5.8 and I just updated to the latest version of SuperDuper tonight. I was hopeful the update would solve the problem, but it didn't. Prior to this problem, I had never had any problem with SuperDuper.

Finally, I tried to submit feedback via the SuperDuper application itself, but for some reason my message didn't go through. If you need to contact me via e-mail or if you need me to attach the SuperDuper log, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

dnanian 08-30-2009 08:03 AM

Yes, please send me some email to support and we'll try to figure out what's going on.

peychaud 09-02-2009 02:47 PM

I just wanted to follow up and say that Dave responded to my email query almost immediately and the problem turned out to be no problem. What I thought was "hanging" turned out to be just the result of SuperDuper's copying a very large file that took a long time to copy.

Thanks for a great product and outstanding support, Dave.

rggoode 09-10-2009 01:29 PM

why not post solutions in forum
I've been having a similar problem (a couple problems, actually) and have been searching the forums for possible solutions. I've come across a number of posts where Shirt Pocket support responds by saying "send me an email and we'll try to help."

I appreciate that they are so willing to be helpful, but why not use the forum to conduct the dialog so that a knowledgebase is created to help others having similar issues?

dnanian 09-10-2009 02:00 PM

Because the solutions involved are nearly always specific to a user. I ask people to post the results to the thread if they'd like, but having them post system logs and the like to a public forum is unnecessary and a bit silly.

sjk 09-10-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by rggoode (Post 26807)
I…, but why not use the forum to conduct the dialog so that a knowledgebase is created to help others having similar issues?

If it could be more regularly updated (which, of course, is challenging with only Dave doing it along with proficiently handling a zillion other support-related issues :)) I think the Frequently Asked Questions subforum better serves the purpose of a forum-based knowledge base. Helps keep that type of information more distinct, accessible, and accurate than when it's mixed with discussions. In general, I've always felt that forums make a poor substitute for what's more traditionally considered as a knowledge base.

dnanian 09-10-2009 02:44 PM

The big problem is that the FAQ won't help users who need to be stepped through diagnosis. After all, there's a pretty extensive Troubleshooting section of the User's Guide, and it does help with virtually all cases...

sjk 09-10-2009 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 26813)
The big problem is that the FAQ won't help users who need to be stepped through diagnosis.

True. And even though this is a support-centric forum your previous post makes it clear that you prefer some of that diagnosis not be handled here.

It's tempting to continue this diversion from the primary topic but I'll stop now. :)

larco 09-13-2009 01:09 PM

Super Duper! Support is Super

Originally Posted by rggoode (Post 26807)
I've been having a similar problem (a couple problems, actually) and have been searching the forums for possible solutions. I've come across a number of posts where Shirt Pocket support responds by saying "send me an email and we'll try to help."

I appreciate that they are so willing to be helpful, but why not use the forum to conduct the dialog so that a knowledgebase is created to help others having similar issues?

I can think of no other software company that will help you so fast as Shirt Pocket without some extra support fee charged. When Dave says send an email- I do and he responds. I read the FAQ discussions and the SD manual


gorji 09-13-2009 08:03 PM

I agree with Larco. SD is a great program with excellent support.

dnanian 09-13-2009 08:18 PM

Thanks to both of you.

hoodsmom 09-09-2010 05:40 PM

is there a way to tell if SD! is hanging?
Along these lines - is there a way to tell whether SD! has hung when the progress bar doesn't move and the number of files read isn't being updated? Can I trust Activity Monitor to tell me if SD! has really hung?

I copy to two backup volumes, one daily and one "whenever." I was copying to the "whenever" volume when SD! seemed to hang. Unfortunately it seemed to get stuck in a folder containing many GB of info. After trying a couple of times, I deleted the folder from the target volume and tried to copy the folder using the Finder - which also hung. Finally, I copied the files a few at a time - it took a couple of restarts, but the Finder finally got over whatever was hanging it up. I never did figure out what the problem was. Then I reran SD! It didn't hang, but I was surprised that it found so much out of date (I think it recopied the folder I'd just copied manually). It would have helped to know exactly which file it and the Finder were choking on.

dnanian 09-09-2010 08:57 PM

No, Activity Monitor tells you if the UI thread is running, which has nothing to do with hanging, really.

You can use lsof or fs_usage to see what the SDCopy process is doing....

sjk 09-11-2010 02:02 PM

You could also use iostat to check for disk activity high enough to indicate SD! is still copying.

hoodsmom 10-31-2010 06:10 PM

Well, it happened again. I keep most of my data on an external nonboot drive and that's what I back up regularly - almost daily to my "usual" backup target and every month or two or three to a 2nd backup target. I am having no trouble backing up my to "usual" backup target, but when I tried to back up to the volume that was last duplicated (without incident) in September or so, SD! hung (and wouldn't quit when I canceled the duplication). I tried again, no joy and had to force quit. I paid enough attention to Activity Monitor to see 0 disk reads or writes at the time of the hang. I was able to guess at where SD! hung, so I manually copied the suspect folder, which had very little info. The suspect folder is a subfolder of the folder I had problems in in September, but the latter (parent) folder is also the one that is most heavily changed. Then I repeated the backup - SD! seemed a little slow as it approached the point at which it had been hanging, but it got thru the process. I used DiskWarrior to check the directories of both the source and target volumes and didn't find anything terribly unusual and I surface scanned both the source and target drives with TechTool and didn't find bad blocks.

The SD! log isn't very helpful - just says it was working on the suspect's parent folder at the time of the hang.
My source drive is less than a year old. The target drive is a probably a little older than a year (I had a problem with the case when the drive was about 6 mos old, sent it back and I think all they did was replace the case). My computer shouldn't be sleeping during the backup and I try not to involve the backup volume in any active processes other than SD! when I'm backing up. I do, however, have the box that says "put hard drives to sleep when possible," checked in the Energy Saver settings.

My hang log says:

Date/Time: 2010-09-09 14:48:32 -0700
OS Version: 10.5.8 (Build 9L31a)
Architecture: i386
Report Version: 4

Command: SuperDuper!
Path: /Applications/SuperDuper!!
Version: 2.6.2 (87)
Build Version: 2
Project Name: SuperDuper!
Source Version: 933
Parent: launchd [85]

PID: 290
Event: hang
Time: 10.36s
Steps: 68

yesterday - first try
Date/Time: 2010-10-30 22:17:01 -0700
OS Version: 10.5.8 (Build 9L31a)
Architecture: i386
Report Version: 4

Command: SuperDuper!
Path: /Applications/SuperDuper!!
Version: 2.6.2 (87)
Build Version: 2
Project Name: SuperDuper!
Source Version: 933
Parent: launchd [86]

PID: 2240
Event: hang
Time: 47.17s
Steps: 409

second try
Date/Time: 2010-10-30 22:37:24 -0700
OS Version: 10.5.8 (Build 9L31a)
Architecture: i386
Report Version: 4

Command: SuperDuper!
Path: /Applications/SuperDuper!!
Version: 2.6.2 (87)
Build Version: 2
Project Name: SuperDuper!
Source Version: 933
Parent: launchd [115]

PID: 318
Event: hang
Time: 10.63s
Steps: 72

and my console messages screened for anything having to do with SD! say
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;9:31:35 PM SuperDuper![2240] line number: 2
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;9:31:35 PM [0x0-0x15d15d].com.blacey.SuperDuper![2240] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;9:31:37 PM [0x0-0x15d15d].com.blacey.SuperDuper![2240] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:17:47 PM[86] ([0x0-0x15d15d].com.blacey.SuperDuper![2240]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 2431 PPID 2430 system_profiler
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:17:47 PM[86] ([0x0-0x15d15d].com.blacey.SuperDuper![2240]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 2430 PPID 1 bash
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:17:47 PM[86] ([0x0-0x15d15d].com.blacey.SuperDuper![2240]) Exited: Terminated
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:24 PM SuperDuper![318] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:24 PM SuperDuper![318] line number: 2
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:25 PM SuperDuper![318] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:25 PM SuperDuper![318] line number: 2
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:24 PM [0x0-0x29029].com.blacey.SuperDuper![318] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:31:29 PM [0x0-0x29029].com.blacey.SuperDuper![318] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:37:33 PM[115] ([0x0-0x29029].com.blacey.SuperDuper![318]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 374 PPID 373 system_profiler
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:37:33 PM[115] ([0x0-0x29029].com.blacey.SuperDuper![318]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 373 PPID 1 bash
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:37:33 PM[115] ([0x0-0x29029].com.blacey.SuperDuper![318]) Exited: Terminated
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:55 PM SuperDuper![472] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:55 PM SuperDuper![472] line number: 2
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:55 PM SuperDuper![472] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:55 PM SuperDuper![472] line number: 2
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:55 PM [0x0-0x39039].com.blacey.SuperDuper![472] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/30/10 Sat, 10/30;10:48:59 PM [0x0-0x39039].com.blacey.SuperDuper![472] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:53 AM SuperDuper![243] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:53 AM SuperDuper![243] line number: 2
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:53 AM SuperDuper![243] .sdef error: Operation could not be completed. (NSXMLParserErrorDomain error 1549.)
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:53 AM SuperDuper![243] line number: 2
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:53 AM [0x0-0x35035].com.blacey.SuperDuper![243] crontab: no crontab for myname
10/31/10 Sun, 10/31;9:18:55 AM [0x0-0x35035].com.blacey.SuperDuper![243] crontab: no crontab for myname

got any suggestions for me?
SD 2.6.2 v87, Mac OS 10.5.8

PS - Dave, the two of us have never been able to figure out why SD! doesn't quit automatically on my machine, if that means anything.

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