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jfahrner 08-02-2005 06:38 AM

Backup und Original not identical?
I did a "Backup - all files" from my internal "Macintosh HD" to an external firewire drive. When I open both in finder after copying, they look not the same!
On the backup drive there are folders like "dev" and "network", which are not on the original. And the folder have no icons as they have on "Macintosh HD".

Why ist the backup not an identical copy?

I know, there are differences in "Finder Aliases" and "Unix Symlinks" on Mac OS X (An alias stores the unique file id, a symlink stores the path of a file). Finder Aliases can only be created with finder, not with normal applications. Has it something to do with that?.


s411ing 08-02-2005 07:42 AM

Could it not be that Finder hides system-level stuff on boot volumes but not on other volumes? Try booting from the backup, and see if it looks more like the original.


dnanian 08-02-2005 08:33 AM

As I mentioned in a direct reply to your support email, Jonas is exactly right: Finder does different things to boot vs. non-boot voumes, including hiding folders and changing icons.

So, what you're seeing is completely normal.

Hope that helps -- and thanks, Jonas, for chipping in.

jfahrner 08-02-2005 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by dnanian
As I mentioned in a direct reply to your support email, Jonas is exactly right: Finder does different things to boot vs. non-boot voumes, including hiding folders and changing icons.

So, what you're seeing is completely normal.

Thank you, thats very interesting. I will test it when I'm back at home. In the meantime I have registered SuperDuper. ;)

Can you give me a hint how you handle "Finder Aliases"? A friend of mine, an experienced cocoa programmer, is not able to create them in his cocoa applications, and he cannot find any hints in web how to do this.


dnanian 08-02-2005 08:50 AM

We copy them properly... your friend can create them with his Cocoa application, he just has to use Carbon to do it. That's totally normal, and easy to do.

Note, though, that a regular symlink works fine, too (not to replace an alias, of course, but as a functional equivalent in a programmatic situation that isn't trying to "clone" a drive) -- and they're used throughout the system.

jfahrner 08-02-2005 12:32 PM

Dave, you are right, the extra folder "dev" is not visible when I boot from the backup disk. But one thing is strange: I assumed the the folder "dev" on "Macintosh HD" is visible when I boot from backup disk, but it is not. :o


dnanian 08-02-2005 01:40 PM

That, unfortunately, I can't explain. We do copy all the attributes that are associated with the file, but it's possible that something strange has happened with Tiger's changed handling of this stuff.

We'll take a look -- but, in the meantime, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Apple's changed this hidden-folder handling a large number of times over OSX's life, and I'm sure they'll change it again. What's really important is that it's copied with its proper permissions, etc.

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