View Full Version : Backup to airport drive

10-13-2009, 01:29 PM
This is a bit of a newbie question (just getting SD setup):

I have two machines, Mac Pro and Macbook Pro connected over the network to an airport extreme. The AE has a G-Tech drive attached to it and shared as an airport disk that I remotely store files on. I'd like to run SD backups to this location. I'll then script some goodness to copy these backups to a remote webdav drive in a DC for further protection.

Does SD support backup to an airport disk? If not, has anyone else tried an alternative solution for backup to airport disk?

10-13-2009, 02:00 PM
Yes: see the "Airport Disks" post at the Shirt Pocket blog and "Backing up over a network" in the User's Guide.

10-13-2009, 02:45 PM
Perfect - thank you!